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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Apartment Investing Has 2 Primary Benefits

By Brad Costanzo

Apartment investing is one of the most overlooked and most feared types of real estate investment. However, that fear is drastically unfounded and has caused many investors to miss the primary advantages. With all the negative press about the economic recession, many people are scared of investing in real estate at all. The smart investors however, realize that mulitfamily is where the real millionaires are made.

Apartment investing may intimidate many people and they feel as though it's out of their reach. Just because apartment buildings cost more money than single family homes does not mean that they are harder to raise money for. In fact, it's often true that the larger the property is, the easier the funding becomes.

Multifamily real estate is a great area to get into because there's really not that much competition for the properties. When you find a good deal on a single family house, there will probably be several other investors ready to make the deal as well. They think the same way you're used to thinking. They believe that its a safer investment because you only need to borrow a little amount of money. It's a figure that they can get their head around without stretching very much. It's well within their comfort zone. However, apartment investing is a different type of transaction.

It's easier to get the money you need, but you'll be dealing with bigger numbers. Instead of borrowing thousands of dollars, you're borrowing millions of dollars. It's difficult for the common person to get their head around figures like that. They just don't feel comfortable borrowing that kind of money. This is what keeps most people out of the multifamily housing industry.

The comfort zone is known for sucking people into mediocrity. It can be scary to take on larger projects, however, the knowledge you need to acquire is readily available. The leverage from apartments is also enormous. Having several apartments to cushion the blow if one tenant vacates is one area that actually lowers the risk of apartment investing.

Once you get past the fear of large numbers, apartment investing starts to make much more sense than traditional investing and you realize how easy it is to create massive amounts of wealth, while using other people's money to fund your deals. Understanding this and taking action can set you and your family up for generations. - 23212

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