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Thursday, July 16, 2009

Trading The Currency Market

By Paul Bryant

Day trading the Forex market means to actively buy and sell currency pairs multiple times during a day. Quick wins can be made in Forex trading which makes it a very popular choice for fast traders. The majority of the currency pairs have up to 300 points traded on a daily basis and rise and fall throughout the day.

Just like the stock market, or any other trading market for that matter, the currency trading market can be very volatile. As there is always a risk of losing money, each trader needs to find a trading method that works for them.

Because day trading can make a good trader a lot of money very quickly, it is a very attractive option for people around the world. However, being consistently profitable is not an easy task. There is always a risk that a trade will go wrong and you will lose money. Losses are most common when people try to trade too quickly.

Although quick trades can result in a good amount of profit it is important to realise that many traders making money this way are trading on something that cannot be taught - instinct. You see, predictable trends tend to show over a longer period of time - maybe hours but more likely days or weeks. Therefore the shorter the time-frame of the trade, the more difficult it is to predict and winning move.

If you are engaging in risk management techniques then quite simply, the longer time period you use the safer your trades will be. However, longer periods can also make the process of making profit a more drawn-out affair so it really does depend on your circumstances.

So by using the longer time frames you can make your forex day trading more profitable. Here you will get more time and scope to study and understand the trends and reconsider your positions. This will definitely increase your success rate.

Making a simple trading system can also be profitable. It is quite hard to always pick out the highs and lows and therefore it would be far better to create a trend following uncomplicated system by following some basic technical indicators.

In addition to managing your risk you also have to manage your timing. It can be very tempting to rush in to a trade without giving it proper consideration. It is not only about whether or not it is the right trade but also about when is the right time to execute the entry and the exit. If you get this right then day trading can become very profitable indeed.

If you are able to master the arts of timing, trend forecasting, and risk management then you will have the 3 core skills needed to become a successful Forex day trader. - 23212

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