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Friday, December 18, 2009

Gaining An Appreciation For The ETF Trading System

By Patrick Deaton

Understanding what makes up an ETF trading system will be necessary for those who are considering participating in trading through an exchange traded fund. These funds can be a great way to invest in the markets and, if one has some smarts, some patience and even a bit of daring make a good income. Remember, though, this is just like any other investment in the markets and that it could be lost.

ETFs are similar to mutual funds in the way that they are constituted. Additionally, it can help to think of ETF's somewhat as corporate stocks are in the way they are bought and sold. Investing through an ETF is a great way to keep a handle on investment costs because those costs are generally very reasonable in an ETF. As well, tracking of taxes is relatively easy.

Generally speaking, most ETF's are pretty much impossible for the small, non-institutional investor to get involved in. Most ETF's allow only authorized participants -- meaning institutional investors, usually -- to buy and sell in the ETF directly to and from the ETF's manager. However, there is a way for the small investor to get involved in ETF and that's through a trading system.

Fortunately, there are a lot of exchange traded fund trading systems that exist online through which a small investor can begin participating in the ETF trading day activities. Starting capital requirements to participate in these trading systems are generally reasonable, and usually require only a few thousand dollars. ETF trading systems substitute, in a way, as an institutional investor.

All ETF's track one of the market indexes as a way of tying their activities to markets. As an example, many exchange traded funds look at the S&P 500 as the major index to track alongside, which allows investors to time or gauge their trading activities in an efficient and productive manner. Sometimes, investors in the trading system tracked minute by minute changes in an index.

Keep in mind that just about every ETF trading system has certain rules that an investor who wishes to enter into the system must adhere to. Many ETF's share similarities in how they track markets, also. One popular way is through what the industry calls "trend following." It's safe to say that this is probably one of the most popular ways trading systems use to operate.

Probably, tracking trends and then timing the markets is the most common way that investors and ETF trading systems try to make their money. Remember that most trading activity needs to be settled in the trading system by the end of day (EOD) much as in the same way that daytraders have to settle up all of their trades. Study the rules laid out by each system before deciding to invest capital.

For a small investor who has a limited amount of starting capital and who wants to get in on the possibility of making real and defined income by trading in exchange traded funds, and ETF trading system is probably the single best way of doing so. Costs are attractively low, as are the efficiencies and tracking of taxes that may result. Additionally, there's plenty of training available for those thinking of participating. - 23212

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