Making Money from Share Trading and Investing Through Using Stop Losses
Even the best trading techniques struggle to deliver a success rate of more than 70%. Therefore even using some of the best trading techniques we will still end up with two or three losing trades out of every ten. For these losing trades we must keep our losses really really small. To do this we use a stop loss. This is a pre-determined price that we use as the trigger to sell out of a losing trade.
There are only five possible outcomes from any trade:
A large profit.
A large profit.
A large loss.
A small loss.
That's it. Five possible outcomes, no more, no less. Every single trade will result in one of these five outcomes. Now if we could eliminate one of these five outcomes, which one would we choose? That's right - the large loss. If we eliminate the large loss we are only left with the other four possible outcomes. If our small losses, breakeven trades and small profits even out over a period of time we will only be left with the rather pleasing occasional large profit.
We use the Stop Loss to eliminate any large losses because it is clearly a very sensible thing to do.
We use a Stop Loss Rule with three parts to it:
1. You must have a Stop Loss in place for every single trade that you do.
2. Your Stop Loss price is set at the level where your loss will be 2% of total trading capital.
3. When your Stop Loss price is hit then you must sell. No waiting one more day hoping that your trade turns into an "overnight success".
For those who may be new to share trading the most difficult part of this rule is part 3. You must sell when your stop loss price is hit. It's the most difficult part of the rule because it brings into play your emotions. Despite the huge emotional drag not to sell - you must sell. When your stop loss price is hit then you sell, no scond guessing. Following this simple and straight forward rule protects your hard earned cash. - 23212
There are only five possible outcomes from any trade:
A large profit.
A large profit.
A large loss.
A small loss.
That's it. Five possible outcomes, no more, no less. Every single trade will result in one of these five outcomes. Now if we could eliminate one of these five outcomes, which one would we choose? That's right - the large loss. If we eliminate the large loss we are only left with the other four possible outcomes. If our small losses, breakeven trades and small profits even out over a period of time we will only be left with the rather pleasing occasional large profit.
We use the Stop Loss to eliminate any large losses because it is clearly a very sensible thing to do.
We use a Stop Loss Rule with three parts to it:
1. You must have a Stop Loss in place for every single trade that you do.
2. Your Stop Loss price is set at the level where your loss will be 2% of total trading capital.
3. When your Stop Loss price is hit then you must sell. No waiting one more day hoping that your trade turns into an "overnight success".
For those who may be new to share trading the most difficult part of this rule is part 3. You must sell when your stop loss price is hit. It's the most difficult part of the rule because it brings into play your emotions. Despite the huge emotional drag not to sell - you must sell. When your stop loss price is hit then you sell, no scond guessing. Following this simple and straight forward rule protects your hard earned cash. - 23212
About the Author:
Want to find out more about sharetrading, then visit the Just Shares site on how to choose the best share trading course for your needs.