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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Choosing A Forex Signal Provider

By Tk Kearns

The popularity and easy accessibility of the ForEx, or foreign exchange market, makes many people choose it as their financial stepping stone. Together with its indisputable popularity come some extras. The extras include computer programs, trading systems, videos, books and most of all, third party signal providers. Now, I will discuss some points when searching for a good third party signal provider.

Before we get into choosing a provider we need to have a good understanding of what a third party signal provider is. A signal provider is a trader or analyst that generates trades that in turn get placed on your account. You can have several signal providers trading your forex account or just one.

The US Constitution states that all men are created equal. Unfortunately this is not the case with traders or signal providers. Some traders look like a million bucks at first glance but turn out to be bad news upon further inspection. To keep away from these types of traders we have to set some guideline to follow when choosing a third party signal provider.

1. First, I make sure that the trader is a winner. This is a little bit obvious already but I could always see losers with 50 to 100 people trading their signals.

2. The next thing I look at is how long they have been a winner. If a trader has been winning for a week, this means nothing to me. I recommend that you don't trade any signal provider with less than a few months of results to show you. Any one can place a few good trades one week and get lucky. If you are going to be trading this trader's signals they need to be established.

3. An important factor is the maximum drawdown that a trader has caused to their account to date. Big draw downs mean a greater chance of a margin call and a much bigger chance that you will never recoup all of the losses that take place in a massive draw down.

4. The first few are fairly easy to keep an eye out for. They should all be displayed on the main screen and you may even be able to sort by each of them. Once you find several signal providers that you are considering, you should think about looking a little closer.

a. Look at their actual trades. Do they have a good win rate because they have opened a ton of trades all at the same time on the same currency pair? They may have 20 winners in a row. This looks great, but if you look a bit deeper you will see that its really only 1 winning trade places 20 times. Not as impressive is it?

b. Have a look at how far they let their trades get away from them. Is your signal provider letting trades get 300 pips or more against them at times? Do they close trades the minute they turn into profit? If so this is a trader who does not understand risk and reward and should not be considered to trade real money.

c. Does your trader add to losing positions? Generally someone who is doing this is trying to average down their entry point and is setting themselves up for failure. Make sure when they do fail that your money is not on the line.

5. Choose a signal provider that suits you. Some traders may provide larger returns over time, but take bigger risks leading to bigger draw downs. This might be OK with you. If you are more conservative and cannot stomach large drops in equity you probably should choose a more conservative trader.

This is only a simple guide for you to consider when looking for good third party signal provider. Remember to always trade a demo before a live account and that ultimately the money is yours and no matter what happens to it, you are the one who's responsible for it. - 23212

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Green Stocks

By Ahmad Hassam

Do you know China is the largest producer of coal? Coal production n China would peak somewhere around 2010-2020. Are you aware of the fact that the peak of the global oil production (all liquids, including unconventional oil) will peak in the next few years.

The global peak of uranium production lies somewhere around2025-2050. The global peak of natural gas production lies somewhere around 2025! You must be thinking what to do every available source of energy seems to be peaking in the near future?

So what will fill this void in energy production in the coming decades? Do you know this fact that the US Department of Energy has estimated that there is enough available offshore wind energy of the coasts of US that can nearly cover the current US electricity capacity?

If all the care in US were hybrids by 2025 that would roughly reduce 80% of the US oil import. IF every bulb in the US was replaced with an energy efficient fluorescent lamp, enough energy could be saved to shut down around 100 power plants.

So the solution is already there but it requires investments which are right now not forth coming. This will soon change as the global supply of oil starts to dwindle. The solution is already there and as the end of fossil fuel nears which is only a decade away, more and more alternative energy solutions will be used to generate cheap energy. Enough power could be generated for the entire US by covering only 9% of Nevada desert with parabolic trough systems. This is something like a plot of land 100 by 100 miles.

This is something that is bound to happen. The supplies of fossil fuel are finite and will be exhausted in the near future. You might have seen only a glimpse of that last year in 2008 when crude oil prices jumped to around $150 per barrel.

This prediction is based on our insatiable energy consumption and the lack of conventional supplies to meet the growing energy demand. This is most probably the safest long term bet that you can make in the long term. There is little doubt that companies operating in the green energy sector will ultimately become the major players in the overall energy generation and transportation mix of tomorrow.

Exactly one hundred years back, the oil century started. It was with the advent of the modern automobile that oil became a global necessity. Imagine Henry Ford in'09 asking you to invest in his Ford Motor Company that is about to mass produce a horseless carriage. Keeping in view the above facts, investing in green energy stocks in the best long term investment that you can make!

He tells you that this invention could change the entire landscape of the country. Knowing everything that you know right now with the power of hind sight with you, you will definitely say yes. But many folks in that year of'09 were skeptical about Model T success. This is now 2009, exactly a century has passed. Do you think investing in green energy stocks is a bad idea? - 23212

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Old Real Estate Investment Approach Still As Relevant Today As Yesterday

By Billy Chen

The global financial crisis, which originated in the U.S. sub-prime loans has brought the investigation to the economy. As a result, companies are folded and consumers are homeless. Today, one year after the subprime storm, it's nice to see that companies returned almost to levels before subprime crisis.

In contrast to previous crises, this time the international community responded quickly and decisively. This unilateral and coordinated action to restore to a certain softening of the market and allows time and space to recover. Although we are still a holdover from our treatment of the subprime storm, at least we're relieved that the economy has followed the rise and rise of a strong will and sustained more than what happened in the past.

Despite the volatility of today's market, good opportunities are still abound. History has indicated that markets always recover so it is up to you, the investor, to find those emerging opportunities. Here the author will present to you four age-old tricks in the investment games that work across the board, including real estate investment. These tips have survived time and numerous market crashes and they will help you to derive to sound investment decisions in any market situation.

So be aware of them to keep a tab on the developments but do not react impulsively to them.Keep in mind that negative and sensation news can trigger your emotions and sometimes induce fears into you.Instead use your long-term investment plan as a guideline to make decisions. Don't Get Sucked In by Gossips Almost daily, there are good dose of gossips and rumors that make the rounds in the real estate sector.

It is OK to make change but incorporate these changes in your investment plan.You should always align your financial goals with your investment plan. Update Your Portfolio As the property markets goes though it's up and down cycles, or the external business climate changes, the financial goals you established earlier might need change.

Diversify your Portfolio Learn to spread your risk by maintaining a well diversified portfolio.So when a sector is in distress, not all your fund would be in risk.If possible put aside some cash as extra measure in property risk mitigation.

Do extensive research Research plays a central role in the investment, it will help you better understand your investment. Support that a professional service. Financial advisors are always on hand if you need more information.

Property investment can be interesting and rewarding undertaking. Once you pick up the trick and formulate an effective investment plan, it can bring you good and recurring dividend over time. - 23212

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Getting Started With Investing For Your Retirement

By James Smith

You have probably heard of the story of the hardworking ant and the well mannered grasshopper. The message of the story was that the ant worked hard all summer and arranged for the coming winter. While the grasshopper played all summer and had no food as soon as winter came. So the moral of the story was that you had to plan ahead and work on the plan. This moral is exactly the same when it comes to planning for ones retirement.

Saving even if it is a bit at a time is the best way to make sure that down the line you will have enough to retire on. Even $10 per month can make a difference in 20 years so the amount doesn't have to be a big one. Setting money aside is one thing however, having that money grow is another thing.

There are many options for someone who is considering investing for their retirement these days. Simply placing your funds in a bank account is not enough and figuring out whether an investment is good or not can take a lot of work.

Finding someone who knows his way around investments to help you with your planning is always a great idea. Professionals like investment advisers or financial planners have the know-how and experience to help you make the right choices for investing for your future.

What you invest in should be something secure. Your savings will be essential for your survival in the future. You have worked hard to save the money and you must make the right decisions when investing it. The recent financial crisis has made the potential risks even more apparent.

It is imperative that you start planning for your retirement as early as possible. With that being said you should constantly save as much money as you can and at the same learn as much as you can about potential investment options. One thing to keep in mind when investing for your retirement is to never prefer risky investments. If you start early then you can have a lot of lea way when it comes to going for slow and study investments. - 23212

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Build Your Passive Income Using These Charlotte Locations

By Samantha Preston

Charlotte investment property is very popular at the moment. Some potential investors might not be familiar with the interesting areas surrounding the city, so here are a few hot spots that will provide for a quick education and lead to more informed questions when contacting real estate agents.


This is an area of fairly new construction with quite a few alluring property options. The area is replete with quite a few entertainment avenues that include pubs and restaurants, night clubs and various artsy clubs to serve an eclectic mix of revelers. This is an area that has many of Charlotte's skyscrapers and offices of the municipality and the government too. There are a large number of realty projects that are coming up fast here in the spheres of retail, culture and building. This is understandable given the fact that as the name indicates the area is quite an up-market locale with many service and banking companies in the city centered here.


SouthPark, ten minutes from Center City, had its major growth in the'60's through the'80's and, as a consequence, most of the homes feature traditional floor plans and exteriors. Here you will find some of the last ranch style homes built in quantity in Charlotte. South Charlotte which is loosely defined as anything south of Uptown extending into neighboring Union and York counties has seen the most growth in the Charlotte area of late. With new construction occurring, new shopping centers and schools are flying up as well.

Madison Park

There used to be a time in the nineteenth century when blacks and whites stayed together in Charlotte and often on the same block too. The process of racial segregation got accentuated in the twentieth century where diverse neighborhoods sprung up. Incidentally, racially disparate groups have started dwelling together again in the present times making each neighborhood unique to its residents.

Madison Park has a large number of single-family and also multi-family residences. Ask any realtor and you can just gauge the excitement about Madison Park as it has a wide choice of apartments, condos, patio homes and town homes too. These are quite ideal for students as well as young professionals looking for quality and yet affordable housing.


Located a few miles to the south of the upscale Uptown, Dilworth has East Boulevard as its main street. This area has some of the choicest restaurants and delightful boutiques to charm the most avid of shoppers. This is also a wonder amalgamation of tradition and modernity with stylish new homes located check by jowl with splendid and well maintained older homes. Makes you feel in touch with the old and the new all at once. - 23212

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